Niels Duinker

I got up very early one morning, brushed my teeth, threw a shirt on (forgot to brush my hair) and had a long chat with world champion and multi-world-record holder juggler Niels Duinker.

Niels is one of those performers that is completely focused on his career. He works hard and it pays off! We talked for hours and touched on nearly every aspect of entertaining as a career. Niels’ thinking is strategic and deliberate. Nothing about him happens by accident. You can learn a lot from this talk.

Niels was very generous with his time, so we broke the interview into parts 1 and 2. The conversation is deep, but frankly is a bit slow paced. My advice is to take it in 10 minute blocks, take notes, take a break and then dig back in. Like I said, there is a lot here…